Friday, 22 June 2012

TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence Winners!

We had an unexpected surprise arrive in the post today - a certificate of excellence!
TripAdvisor informed us that the certificate is a testimonial to our high standards, which is reflected in our exceptional traveller ratings received over the past year. They also went on to say "With a rating of 5.0, Forda Lodges & Cottages has earned a place among the very best."

To say that we are pleased in an understatement! You can read all of our reviews by clicking the link below.

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Another Unexpected Visitor!

Hot on the tail (literally!) of our recent otter visitor, some of our guests informed us that they had been watching a large pig having a good look around the grounds here at Forda!

After much teasing about quantities of cider that may have been consumed prior to this sighting, we were presented with the proof! And here it is!

It seems that this chap (who belongs to our neighbours) just fancied an evening out before taking himself safely home!

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Tarka the Otter Visits Forda!

A couple of our guests last week had told us that they had seen an otter here at Forda, although we had not seen any 'evidence' around any of the ponds. The mystery was solved though, when a very tame chap joined Colin at the lake during a fishing lesson! Though he had a swim around, he wasn't showing any interest at all in hunting for fish (but quite happily took mussels from Colin) and was very relaxed around humans. It was really quite amusing to watch him follow Colin from the lake right upto the garden - just like a dog!

After taking some expert advice, it appears that our new friend has probably been hand-reared and as he was unable to fend for himself, he has now been re-homed in a local animal sanctuary.